Friday 27 May 2011

Herbert's TV Adventure.

Hi my name is Herbert,

I am an Inflatable crocodile....

...and have a secret. A secret I've kept from everyone, even my best friends.

I have been leading a double life.

I...Herbert...,the inflatable crocodile, have been working as a TV actor.

This adventure started several months ago when I was injured in an unfortunate dance floor incident. I spent the next few months in intensive care and as you would imagine I watched a lot of telly. That's when it hit me. There was a niche in the extras market! Their were no inflatable crocodiles on TV. In fact a surprising few inflatable creatures of any species at all.

Months of hard work followed, networking and getting my name known by the right people. That's when my break came. I managed to keep it secret from everyone so that I could see their faces.

So on Thursday night I sat down with my two best friends to watch Watchdog, and waited. The room was filled with gasps as there on BBC 1 was me sat performing analysis on internet delivery.


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