Monday 28 March 2011

Book 1/50 : Surface Detail

So Surface detail a mini review.

I'd give Surface detail 8.5/10. As you would expect from Iain Banks the prose is fantastic this really is the acceptable face of Science Fiction literature. Iain's M books (his Sci-Fi books) could easily join his main stream non M books on English Literature courses. What's more it obvious he has great fun with his characters, The Mind who controls/is the General Offensive Unit "Falling Outside The Normal Moral Constraints" is well Generally Offensive but ultimately great fun and though proudly eccentric deeply moral. The story is engaging and thought provoking. Where technology can transfer your mind on death to a virtual reality Heaven, its just as easy to create virtual Hells. The plot centre's on a young women revented (brought back to life,) after her murder at the hands of her owner. With a war in the virtual Heavens, over the virtual hells, threatening to spread to the real. The future of the virtual hells may just pivot on her decisions.

If you aren't familiar with the culture books, this isn't the place to start. The Player of Games is the best place to start.

The Challenge Update

Well into week one and it's going to get harder from here. It's took me a week to finish this book. Time to take my finger out.

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