Saturday 22 January 2011

BBC Baised....Apparently.

Was just reading the blog by one of my favourite Authors (Although we don't seem to see eye to eye on this sort of stuff.) He'd posted a link to a Daily Mail *spits where Peter Sissons accuses the BBC of having a Left wing bias.

I think you'll find that its a flawed argument to say someone is biased just because they don't happen to draw your conclusions from the same situation. Bias is never considering the other side of the argument, something the Mail is very very guilty of.

...and don't get me started on the Fact that saying "Margaret Thatcher" is the politician you most admire won't get you promoted. It should get you committed! She made life better for 10% of people by destroying the lives of the other 90% and would we be in as much trouble now if she had supported our industry? Rather than destroying it.

I have seen many reports on the BBC that have indeed shown the right wing side of the story and even gone as far as agreeing with the right wing point of view. While the Daily Mail seem to believe the BBC biased because it doesn't see closing the NHS and slashing public services as a good thing. That's not biased that is the truth!!!!

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