Tuesday 25 January 2011

Tuesdays Ten "Interesting" Facts 2

1. 90% of women turn right when entering a department store. No-one knows why!
2. The largest toy distributors in the world is McDonald's. (Happy Meals.)
3. A person will die from total lack of sleep before they will from starvation.
4. The average new born baby cries for 113 minutes a day. Which makes our next door neighbours baby distinctly abnormal.
5. When ever US President Calvin Coolidge was driven in a car, he insisted the driver not exceed 16mph.
6. Hans Christain Anderson of Little Mermaid fame, died falling out of bed. Proof if proof were needed that getting out of bed is just a bad idea.
7. Elvis never gave an encore.
8. Paul Gascoigne believes he was attacked by a ghost while he was in a barn in Italy.
9. Charles Dickens fell deeply in love with his wife's sister Mary. Mary died at 17 Dickens wore her ring for the rest of his life.
10. MPs do not mention the house of Lords, they describe it as "The Other place."

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